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The Original dpb5!

05/18/05 12:01 AM

#13 RE: The Original dpb5! #12

In my humble opinion, and for what it's worth, the next generation of Internet Company offerings will NOT be about the cutesy old anagrams or abbreviations such as "FWIW" or "IMHO" but will be more about offering REAL THINGS to REAL PEOPLE.

The next generation of internet people will be more concerned about how the internet can help them beyond trivial entertainment than ever before.

Watch for companies like MSFT and YHOO as they try to address these real needs and succesfully escape from the feeling of the need to gather users with such vehicles as Instant Messaging.

In Today's World, Instant Messaging is becoming a moot point as more and more people gravitate to and rely on cell phone text messaging. Today, people don't even realize that they are USING the internet to get their silly text messages over their cell phones.

I find it increasingly intrigiung to read about the Internet Companies who are finally REALIZING that their very way to success is solely by using the internet as an advertising vehicle to support their ambitions of future growth.

At last, finally the Internet has become what it set out to ADVERTISING MEDIUM! Who wins or loses in this ultimate race of time is anybody's guess!