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05/31/11 12:31 PM

#109153 RE: eminem #109148

What I think is so good and important about the video you posted here is that it proves that D.F. managed to put together that office and lab. He did manage to have Jose who was a Harvard University graduate and others who were trained yes all qualified scientist working on and testing the algae and the BEHL PBR systems. He was building a first class algae company. This we know because Dr. Goodall confirmed it in the company monthly News Letter to the BEHL investors. Dr Goodall also confirmed the quality of the PBR system and the tubes with his picture of him and some of the Behl staff standing on it.

Behl had the cameras on all the time. They had an open house and investors were invited to come at anytime during business hours to see the company and even talk with the company employees.

“the NAA (National ALAGE Association) President Barry Cohen described BioCentrics all Green cost effective production system as the Wal-Mart of ALGAE production equipment. “ PR 2010

Looking at one competitor - AVNE/RWE they are restructuring their company. It looks like they are trying to buy and move into another shell and will do a R/S.

What is different with RWE is that in over 12 months they never put out a finical report or showed any proof that their system even works. They show no progress for the last 12 months at AVNE. They have a Stop Sign on pink sheets.

RWE is looking for a loan to buy a shell and to restructure. $9.9 million dollar loan for now. Which we know will be added to the balance sheet somewhere and picked up by the shareholders. And investors may have to wait a year just to see the company finical reports that would be sometime 2012 maybe. Who knows it could take longer.

OOIL another algae company - I picked this up off of their QTLY from the pink sheets. Much to their credit they keep their QTLY up to date.

“We believe that the algae industry will be far too great for any one company to dominate, and companies will succeed that do not compete with their customers and partners.” ooil pink sheets

“The market for the manufacture, marketing and the sale of alternative fuels is highly competitive. Such competition could drive up the cost of retaining qualified engineers, chemists and other key employees, as well as other operating expenses. “ ooil pink sheets

So which companies historically have even showed half of what they claim they can do? For now I think BEHL did pretty good until they ran out of capital. They are looking to come back diversified as an even stronger company as they restructure.