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05/30/11 12:37 PM

#3938 RE: haysaw #3936

Haysaw, >>> ‘People who are psychopathic prey ruthlessly on others using charm, deceit, violence or other methods that allow them to get what they want. The symptoms of psychopathy include: lack of a conscience or sense of guilt, lack of empathy, egocentricity, pathological lying, repeated violations of social norms, disregard for the law, shallow emotions, and a history of victimizing others.’ <<<

It would make sense that people who seek power have more of these psychopathic/sociopathic personality traits than the rest of the population. It's the 'power trip' personality. I remember seeing a documentary on serial killers (Jeffrey Dahmer), which would represent the extreme side of the control freak spectrum. Then there are the Mafia type gangsters, military dictators, drug lords, business vultures, ruthless politicians, etc. There are probably some TV evangelists, athletes, and rock stars who would also qualify. I guess it's a matter of degree.

It's interesting that there is apparently a difference in brain physiology -

>>> Hare explains the science of psychopathology: a part of the brain called the amygdala doesn’t function in psychopaths as it does in other human beings. When a regular person experiences extreme violence or carnage (or even photographs of such scenes), his amygdala becomes overstimulated, provoking an extreme anxiety response in the central nervous system. When a psychopath experiences the same stimuli, his amygdala does not respond: no anxiety response occurs. This explains the psychopath’s lack of empathy. <<<