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05/30/11 1:35 AM

#31771 RE: risk on #31770

SL has a 6 month rainy season. DM is probably right in that their are 2 months that are wetter than the other 4, but it doesn't take a lot of rain to turn dirt to mud.

Look at what's going on along the Mississippi, and in Montana. Rain plays hell on dirt roads (transportation) which will have a bigger impact on this whole process than it will on the dredging.

I am not trying to diminish anyone's hopes, I am just being realistic about things that everyone Long should take into consideration if there is a delay in production numbers, which I think will be the case.

We are a month into their rainy season, I have seen 2 days of rain shut down job sites for a week in the Seattle area.

I am not concerned to much about the effect it will have on dredging, but on transporting the stockpiled material from the site to a port, for further shipping.

All that will play into the reporting IMO.