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05/29/11 1:52 PM

#101298 RE: jfburk #101297

totally right. IMO you are undervaluing it at $1 we will be headed to the 10-20 dollar range when we start producing.

I agree that the MM have control over what price is shown. I am sure if the MM decided to drop the PPS to .01 on Tuesday you and I would buy a boat load of them because we know what they are worth in the future. But many would sell at .01 in a panic. It could panic enough people that we would be hard pressed to find people willing to buy at all and the PPS could drop to .005. Yes it would be very temporary but when the stock is dropping from .03 to .005 it would not be worth it to you or me to buy at .02.

Regardless of what the MM post the price at they are still at the mercy of the market mob.

I seriously doubt that any MM would try to drop this to .01. He would have to NSS millions to do it and he would know he would lose his ass. He can get away with .03 now so he does. He can only do that cause people are not ready to pay .04 YET. They cant get .04 because it is not worth it to the market YET

Yes SRSR is actually worth $1+ but you couldn't sell it for that to anyone because its market value is not worth it.