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05/27/11 10:00 AM

#31563 RE: Long22 #31550

Hey Long...Pretty Much what I said

...I was stuck in as a warrant holder for a I watched the company I was invested in go to the skies...about 9 months into holding the warrants (just 3 months away from being able to exercise them)...the stock was at its YTD high...the next 3 months had the pps slowly fall down to just over the original warrant price by about 50% over (it would have been a reasonable profit...but I saw it go so high that I was not satisfied at that point so I waited even longer to my own demise and ended up just breaking even)

...3 key points

...first...I watched that stock go to somewhere between 8-20 times the warrant price from what I was insane...and the company wasn't half the company SNEY is

...second...even though the warrants can be exercised at the year is a semi confusing hassle to exercise the warrants causing people to usually put it off...and to boot the process even once started takes basically...probably tack on 3 months to the year mark once you factor in laziness and processing time...that was my story at least...and I'm pretty together and motivated as a person so I think it's a fair assumption

...third...all of the above is why I think between now and mid June or July is going to be huge...the rest of the year great until around Oct/Nov...probably should be out by Dec or for sure by Jan 2011...warrants will hammer pps 1st quarter 2011...until then it's showtime...I don't know exactly when...but people better quick jackin around
