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05/24/11 4:06 PM

#3417 RE: bepop12345 #3415

The problem is the characterization in the court filing as Schmitz working "full time", as justification for 90k/month. Yes, attorneys and other consultants work on multiple projects, but there's only 24 hrs in a day. It's certainly possible the hotel gig was an absentee consulting thing requiring minimal hours. Can't tell without seeing the billing. I'm just saying that 90k/month is a lot of cash to one guy. I agree, it's a crap shoot, and we'll know soon enough. But, ya gotta admit, it sure looks strange. On another subject....According to an article in a NY paper, Malone addressed Liberty shareholders to comment on the B&N offer, and said, contrary to rumor, it has nothing to do with synergies with Liberty's other investments, including SIRI.