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Santa Barbara Broker

05/24/11 9:41 AM

#95511 RE: 99leadballoons #95497


99....let me try and explain the unexplainable. The bat-**** crazy theory about EXPH shares goes as follows: Naked shorts descended on the company in droves shortly after (fill in the event of ever moving target fantasy here) and shorted hundreds of millions of shares that they took no responsibility for covering because the shares didn't exist. With me so far? OK, this imbalance of outstanding non-existent shorted shares subsequently caused the ETC dividend and spin off to fail and somehow was responsible for the very unfortunate passing of the Window World CEO. It also explains the DTC ineligiblity, the router breakdown, the massive 2.35 billion increase in the A/S between April of 2010 and February of 2011, the naming of the CEO to be delayed, the ETC order failure, the CIMA crash and burn and the mistaken filing of a R/S in February 2011 which can't be amended according to Brown and Harrs despite a concrete, actual time example being presented which showed that it could. Still there?, in order for these naked short to be able to cover their positions since there are no shares to do so with (despite literally BILLIONS of them being available for these "desperate covers" during the subsequent 4 P&Ds run), they have to pray for EXPH to go bankrupt so their positions will be forgiven and they can keep their profits generated by holding these non-existent shares from wherever they naked shorted them to zero. Unless they were already reported as failed trades, in which case, well...never mind. I think that pretty much covers pun intended.

Or the whole thing could be explained by the unregistered sale or resale of EXPH shares and the rest by a couple of scammers running a scam. But that would be way too simple and easy to believe so it's best to stick with the bat-**** crazy version that has to twist your mind into the stock market version of a Philly soft pretzel to make the slightest sense. I hope this clarifies things. IMHO.