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05/21/11 5:05 PM

#2516 RE: kanuti #2515

Given the runaway money printing do think there is even a remote possibility that we won't have rampant inflation?

The odds are significantly in your favor if you borrow money right now... Make sure it's with a fixed interest rate.

Obama policies are a miserable failure.

The very people he is trying to help are being hurt the most. Inflation is the cruelest tax of them all. It shifts wealth from the lower income class to the upper income class. Those with assets are seeing their wealth increase while the poor without assets are finding it harder and harder to put food on the table. The truck loads of money that are being poured into the economy is causing everything to go up in "value". If you have stuff you will have an apparent benefit... If you don't then your life will become even more miserable. The gap between the haves and the have nots is growing wider every day.

This is what you get when you put a community organizer in charge.

You want real assets right now... Not money. In Zimbabwe they have been printing money like crazy and you can't carry enough to buy a hamburger! If you have $1 million today you won't be able to buy much with it later... That's why you need to have assets... Real estate... houses, land, anything of value other than cash will help you from being one of the "have nots". Real assets will go up in value with inflation... cash becomes less valuable.