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05/21/11 2:45 PM

#5176 RE: SmartMoney #5175

Was going to send u a big msg, but I'll just be straight with u and ask, do u ever mentor anybody on any level? I'm interested, over time I would love to be able to be a bigger part of your momo! When the day comes that I can get out of the rat race I would b a big part of helping drive up the stocks that u telling the world about!!! Thought I would ask! Have a good weekend!!


05/21/11 3:12 PM

#5177 RE: SmartMoney #5175

I respect you and your game, We don't have time for this.. The future is obvious, Profits .... Man up, you had nothing at all to do with GLER or my other plays, bottom line... Go ahead with your business and I will go ahead with mine, I wish you the best of luck in your journey and am Taken back by your actions... You tought me almost everything I know about the penny game, but stole my plays and announced them when I didn't even have shares in them yet... Respect the work that I put in putting together those plays and "bringing" you into them so you could make money with me... You have tought me what people are like in this game and I won't forget that... It is unfortunate that what happened, happened, and I found out... We could have been bigger than anyone knows... With that being said this is my last post shooting straight from the hip on this topic... Good luck to you and your team on your journey...


I'm not going anywhere, Make room for another Leader and give me the props I deserve...
I can't be brought down to this level, this is my last post on the matter..


05/21/11 5:33 PM

#5184 RE: SmartMoney #5175

CUZ, I’m going to say straight out I’m no hater of any sort. It’s a waste of time and energy to be a hater. I just thought the back and forth between you two was silly and entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m just on the outside looking in.
PLAYS are PLAYS, they are all a gamble. I have been watching them, and all of them have some sort of physiological warfare laced within (with or without PR). The success of a play depends on how many people believe in the play and the person advertising, how many shares are being dumped, and the validity of the company. Some drop like a rock, some gradually come down as if a floating feather in a breeze, and some never return to the levels they were at (those are the real deal IMHO). If a person decides to throw down some powder on a play and it doesn’t turn out the way they wanted it to, honestly there isn’t anyone to blame but themselves.
If you are willing to be in the spotlight you are going to have your loyal followers, your people who sit on the sidelines and watch the plays and willing to play sometimes but don’t consider themselves a follower of anyone, and your haters.
I will admit you have a lot of loyal followers and quite a few haters and I do give you props for not wasting your time with
haters. I guess this one just boiled over and couldn’t be held back from the public. GO MAKE SOME MONEY… BOTH OF YOU