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05/20/11 2:14 PM

#454 RE: PTLIAMHIS #453

I see a lot of obvious opportunity that they either don't see or don't appear to want to address.

They're not the only players in the space, but the space is large enough that with the right approach, a couple of tweaks, they should be making money even without doing a whole lot more than they are now...

If they're not planning on doing anything with it, it wouldn't be the first real "opportunity" I saw being grossly mismanaged mostly because of conflicts between "value" and "the business" being engaged between investors and service providers and the management...

Of course, if management were making it happen... if they were making money now, and showing they had a plan to make a go of it... there wouldn't be the issues with being held hostage by the market operators...


05/27/11 2:33 PM

#455 RE: PTLIAMHIS #453

Looks like they've dropped the E... but, I don't see that any filings have been posted ? Wonder what the unmet "requirement" was that had a clock running on it ?