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05/19/11 8:16 PM

#3782 RE: bigworld #3777

I've been unsucessfully trading dow mini futures lately. Today was the worst. I would see a move developing, buy or sell a contract with a tight stop. They would quickly take my stop out and then move in the direction I had anticipated. There were two egregious trades that stopped me out about 1-3 points before the move. Those stops cost me about 80 points because the programs kicked in and ran straight in both cases.

I am starting to wise up and not play the game anymore. I'm tired of rewarding these crooks.
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05/21/11 7:05 PM

#3802 RE: bigworld #3777

Bigworld, Things are really heating up for the cabal. According to Webster Tarpley's broadcast this week (link below), the US/UK faction is once again aggressively attacking the Euro, and are determined to wreck it in a desperation move to prolong the dollar system.

But the big news is the ultimatum issued by China (via diplomatic channels) stating that any further US attacks on Pakistan will be viewed as an attack on China. So the line has been drawn in the sand by the Chinese. The Pakistanis had given their own ultimatum to the US a week ago. The West is also trying to use Pakistan's long time enemy India as a dagger against Pakistan.

Pakistan is historically an ally of China, and China had planned for Pakistan to be its overland energy corridor to the Middle Eastern oil, thereby bypassing the 3000 mile sea routes dominated by the US Navy. To prevent this, the US' strategy has been to foment a civil war in Pakistan (exported from Afghanistan by pushing the Afghani Taliban/Pushtunis into Pakistan to overthrow the Pakistani government). The US' almost daily Predator Drone attacks on civilians in N. Pakistan are designed to foment the civil war (Pushtunis and Baluchis to overthrow the ruling Punjabis and Sindhs). The ultimate goal is to break up Pakistan into 4 or more weak micro-states/mini-states along these ethnic lines.

But with China now drawing a line in the sand over Pakistan, things are getting extremely dangerous, and of course Pakistan has an estimated 100-200 atomic weapons of their own. With the crazed Wall St cabal running things (who brought us 9-11/anthrax in 2001, the rogue B-52/missing cruise missle incident of 2007, and the current mass destabilizations / coups / color revolutions across the Middle East), who knows what will happen next.

The US/UK banking cabal's global empire is financially broke, militarily overstreched, and the former vassal states have been trying to exit the empire en masse in favor of the ascendant China. The US cabal is desperate to prevent this, while at the same time trying to torpedo the Euro, a desperation move to prolong the dollar system. The growing danger after the staged Bin Laden raid several weeks ago, is for a false flag event (say a dirty bomb) blamed on Pakistan to justify the US going in to seize the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. Whether this week's China ultimatum will be enough to dissuade the US cabal from trying such a dastardly and dangerous false flag, I guess time will tell.

Tarpley compares the danger level of the current situation to the periods preceeding World War 1 and 2. When an existing Empire is in trouble and facing strong challenges from rivals (in the WW 1+2 example, the British Empire being challenged by the rise of Germany and also Russia), that is a recipe for a World War.