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05/19/11 10:35 AM

#240310 RE: petemantx #240308

Battle Cry > did you say 2012 or 2022 ??? sad !
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05/19/11 10:38 AM

#240311 RE: petemantx #240308

lol, I disagree with your entire post.

1) I certainly didn't expect that they would go for another year. Negotiating for so many months? What the heck were they negotiating about that ended up in a 1 year extension? I figured if they were negotiating that long, it had to do with the JDA having said no extension, and then negotiating the terms to that.

So I wasn't expecting a 1 year extension.

2) You say that if 1 and 2 look good first qtr, 1 might but Block 2 looking good in the first qtr 2012? Ha! Do you realize that March 2012 is the last month in in the first qtr of 2012? Maybe you meant that 2 would look good *after* they drill and analyze the results, which is probably more likely after the extension and around 4th qtr 2012.

3) Your "doable" situation is if Total is in play, and we have no idea if they are.

4) AGM would be necessary if they finally do sign a PSC for the EEZ, although, I doubt it will happen by then.

New battle cry - NOT 2012. Much later, and *if* ERHC has money to go until then...

Krombacher - the above may be wrong.
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Julius Erving

05/19/11 10:40 AM

#240312 RE: petemantx #240308

I'm sure them institutional investors they talked with like the story they are being told today...

"We have been taking the ERHC story to prospective institutional investors and financiers in North America and in London. For the same purpose, we have also worked with Dan Keeney on increasing the media exposure of ERHC resulting in some widely reported newspaper and magazine interviews and articles during the quarter highlighting key aspects of the ERHC story."


"While we would have liked to see an immediate impact of these meetings on our market valuation, we trust that these efforts will pay off as a clear timeline for further exploration is solidified. The bottom line is that through these efforts, we are taking the ERHC message more widely and intensively into the institutional investor community."


Yeah, right! think again! What a bunch of sickos.

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05/19/11 10:48 AM

#240315 RE: petemantx #240308

Shareholder's meetings are not to announce anything. They are for the purpose of legally electing board members and carrying on the business of the corporation. The director's terms have now expired and as far as I am concerned those individuals are no longer representing shareholders until they are approved and elected by a vote of the shareholders. Holding meetings whenever you feel like it is extremely unprofessional and it makes this whole organization look like a bunch of amateurs who don't give a damn about their shareholders and who have no clue of how to run a company. This company cannot even abide by its own bylaws. Annual shareholders meetings are required, not optional.

Now we have received another worthless PR telling us Phase 1 has been extended while telling us NOTHING about what this means. There are no more work requirements under Phase 1. They have all been satisfied. So does that mean SNP sits on its ass for another year? You can't tell me that the JDA did not get something in return for this extension unless they are just plain stupid. So what is it? I guess the company just forgot to tell us or they are so far out of the loop that they don't even know. How pathetic is that?