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05/13/05 8:17 AM

#5961 RE: Ken Scordo #5960

Hi Ken -
nice to "see" you too. How are the babies? Much bigger and running around is a safe guess. And what have you been up to besides parenting? The markets haven't exactly been fun.

Stepson has twin boys (fraternal)- 1 yr in June - They couldn't be more different from each other if they were from opposite sides of the planet. The bigger one is really working on walking- won't crawl any more - motors around on hands and feet in upside down "V", has 8+ teeth, watches everything carefully, doesn't fuss. Mr Fussbdget, on the other hand, tends towards tantrums, has only 4 teeth (working on more, of course) and yells bloody murder: if anyone walks out of the room, at certain noises, and only god knows what else. Hoping he'll get thru this stage sooner than later.
My nicknames for them are "Brick" (fussbudget) and "Block" (bigger). It's too much to carry them both at once any more.

Four deer out back at dawn this morning..haven't seen them in a couple of years, but neighbor has been thinning his woods lately. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I will.
