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Replies to #7139 on Cat House


05/17/11 9:05 PM

#7158 RE: SunScents #7139

I hear ya, ya gotta get away from this stuff. A buddy if mine just had her back door kicked in and the good guys nabbed them, All is good, but I changed out the busted door with a sweet French one. Nothing like a little carpentry work to divert the attention. I still got that stink'n deck for my neighbor to do. I think I posted about that weeks ago. LOL

The weather gets nice and they knock down my door with jobs.
I hear ya with SFIO. I banked $4K in one day and makes working fun jobs a hard sell.

Anything below .05 is what I have pegged as a good reentry. But always keep more dry powder set on the BID down in the .04s maybe the high .03s, But with the launch this week. Its gonna have a spike, and it should get knocked back down till revenues are shown. So load now and take the ride and flip out for more free.
SFIO has always been an easy hold LT for me.
I want to see the mega Millions in revenue till I drink the Koolaid.


05/17/11 9:18 PM

#7162 RE: SunScents #7139

wow i thougt you were back already... thats a long trip... sometimes i feel like those peeps that Mark Levin refers to as guys sitting in thEIR underwear and socks, pounding the keys about,
no good rednecks, covervative talk show hosts, dreamin of women gone wild.....
i get tunnell vision some.. and glad when God gets me outta there!


05/18/11 1:16 AM

#7173 RE: SunScents #7139

Wait till the float is bought up again. 85MM traded today. If that keeps up and we get this launceh news on the US web site, you will see another killer spike from here. Thats the way I'm hopeing it goes. Buying more in the Am is Scottrade lets me , LOL!

Ole QASP is hurting me now. Getting all puckery over the swap.