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05/17/11 5:36 PM

#140262 RE: PegnVA #140261

That is just sick and disgusting. Arnold had a reputation as a "womanizer" on every movie set. I think Maria knew about that. She was a Kennedy, and they were used to cheating husbands.


05/17/11 6:47 PM

#140267 RE: PegnVA #140261

This is who we got so far slammng Newt ..

Allen West
Angry Iowan
Dick Armey
Paul Ryan
John Campbell
James Lankford
Tom Cole
Rush Limbaugh
Rich Lowry
The Blaze

There may be more .. and I just don't know about them ..

Krauthammer said that "Gingrich’s remarks violated Reagan’s “11th commandment.”

“Reagan had the 11th commandment,” Krauthammer said. “Thou shalt not attack fellow Republicans. This is a
capital offense against the 11th commandment. He won’t recover.” silly

........I believe it's fair to say that the entire house GOP that voted for the "Ending Medicare Ryan budget " ... .
are and will continue blasting and screeching about 'Newt' .. .. ;) cause as far as I know .. they all voted for it....

again ..<Big Smile>


05/17/11 7:06 PM

#140268 RE: PegnVA #140261

She knew he was a creep..that's for sure. she stood by him..;(,,take a look at this .. THESE are the things she
knew back in 2003/04 .. etc.. .. I never knew how she could stand him .. I always thought he was ugly crass and a hanger on.. .

AND dumb. but she loved him. the above are the headlines that were out there and they didn't stop there they
had photographs of him groping women, drunk omg.. it was sickening ..
