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05/15/11 10:00 PM

#140141 RE: fuagf #140138

COMMENT: I wonder if they ever mentored Newt, during his first two marriages (see below), i mean .. anywho ..

Fox Panel Accuses 'Liberal' Media of 'Tearing Down' GOP Presidential Candidates by Reporting on Their Marital Problems

This week on Fox News Watch, Fox's excuse for a supposed media watchdog show, the host Jon Scott and a couple of the panelists, Jim Pinkerton and Cal Thomas all claimed that that mythical "liberal media" was just hell bent on tearing down potential Republican presidential candidates because they aren't treating Newt Gingrich as a serious candidate due to his personal baggage. A claim that even Judith Miller found ridiculous.

And what other proof did syndicated columnist Cal Thomas offer here that the media is biased against all of the Republican candidates? The fact that the media has reported on Mitch Daniels' marital problems as well. That's some conspiracy theory you've got going there Cal. The press tells us the truth about how Gingrich has treated his ex-wives and that Daniels' wife left him and came back, and all the media coverage on the Republicans is negative now. Wow. That's quite a stretch there. And the coverage I've seen of Daniels on the matter hasn't exactly been negative. He was portrayed as being a good father and doing the right thing and taking care of his kids in some of the rather glowing segments on Daniels that I've seen so far where this was brought up.

Thomas also trotted out the tired old talking point that if President Obama had received more scrutiny from the media about the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, he would never have been elected and that it took the conservative media to bring those things out. Thomas must not have been paying attention to Sean Hannity flogging these whipped up controversies on his show night after night that did get picked up by the rest of the media as well to the point that Obama felt he finally had to put a stop to it when he gave his speech on race in Philadelphia in March of '08.

I guess Thomas also wasn't paying any attention when Sarah Palin was out on the campaign trail accusing then Senator Obama of "paling around with terrorists" week after week.

The claim that President Obama did not receive any scrutiny for his ties to Ayers and Wright and that it would have kept him from being elected is laughable. That's not going to stop the talking heads over at Fox from continuing to paint the poor downtrodden Republicans as somehow oppressed and never given a fair shake by the press and to pretend that Democrats get more favorable coverage. Just another day in upside down land at Fox.