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05/15/11 9:03 PM

#140131 RE: StephanieVanbryce #140120

Newt Gingrich's Greatest Enemy Continues to Be Himself

Sounds a top guess, to me .. will be interesting ..

''Tis Better to Remain Silent and to Be Thought a Fool Than to Open Your Mouth and Remove All Doubt.'

Patricia Campion, Yahoo! Contributor Network .. May 11, 2011 ..
"Contribute content like this. Start Here." ..

COMMENTARY | Newt Gingrich will formally launch his presidential bid Wednesday. .. .. Preceding this formal Facebook/Twitter jump into the deep end of the candidate pool, he is already running damage control. Snubbing the first Republican presidential debate .. .. appears to be just one in a list of transgressions . For a seasoned politician who began testing the political waters back in March, one would think Gingrich would have enough sense to avoid placing rocks in his own path before diving back in.

As leader of the Republican Revolution, .. .. Newt Gingrich brought the GOP to congressional power in 1994. While he began as House speaker on a Contract with America high-note, his poor stewardship cost the party five House seats. Days after, Gingrich resigned his post, tucked tail and skulked off into the political shadows. That he feels it's necessary to preface his comeback campaign by taking an excuse rag to his tarnished political and personal past is telling.

As current legislators send our government careening toward the economic precipice, the most notable disadvantage for Gingrich is obvious. It was his decision that caused a partial government shutdown during his House tenure. To this day, many political veterans and analysts attribute this to be a factor in the loss of those congressional seats. Clearly, having not learned his lesson, Gingrich is now advising current House Republicans to follow his example. He wants them to resist Democrat efforts to reach a budget compromise and allow the government to grind to a halt, all for the scoring of political points.

"The Republicans look awful .. .. if there's a government shutdown and they are seen to have caused it," said one GOP Insider in response to Gingrich's suggestion, reports the National Journal. "I remember how the last shutdown went and find it impossible to believe this one could go any better," said another. Perhaps Gingrich is one of the many politicians unfamiliar with Einstein's definition of "insanity." ..

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