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Made Young

05/15/11 12:19 PM

#21790 RE: punk153 #21789

Thanks Punk for breaking it down like that. Explanations and everything. Instead of just throwing the numbers out there. $HNSS
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05/15/11 12:40 PM

#21792 RE: punk153 #21789

One of three keys to max current investor ROI by end of June:

1) Share structure

2) Name change

3) Financing

MY THEORY: Deal prior to and either complementing or potentially replacing Disclosure

Pure conjecture but "gut" feel day after day


PUNK: Thank you very much for that O/S analysis. Reasonable fill-in(s).
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05/15/11 2:17 PM

#21797 RE: punk153 #21789

ha nice try yet again. im not sure who is more creative with the numbers, you or black

12/31/2009: Issued and Outstanding Shares - 343,544,509

06/30/2010: Issued and Outstanding Shares - 305,857,509

*150 million shares were likely in the treasury at this time and thus were retired upon the sale of MedBioWeb leaving the total O/S at around 155 million shares

07/15/2010: Issued and Outstanding Shares – 155,857,509

“…sold an interest in MedBioWeb, Corp., in exchange for 150 million shares of its common stock, thereby reducing the actual issued and outstanding shares of Healthnostics, Inc., to 155,857,509.”

9/30/2010: Outstanding Shares – 155,857,509

*We know that there were no shares in the treasury on 9/30/2010 since the outstanding shares on 9/30/2010 remained the same as the issued and outstanding shares on 7/15/2010

“…announced the sale of its subsidiary, MedBioWeb Corp., to a consortium of investors for cash and publicly-traded securities valued at $2 million.”

Note that HNSS received $700,000 in publicly-traded securities for the remaining interest of MedBioWeb. I estimate that to be around 70 million shares at the time (~$0.1 per share)


“The Company expects to report net income of $.01 per share on 195 million shares outstanding (based upon the weighted average of shares outstanding for the year),…”

Note that this is the first time that HNSS's O/S is shown in a weighted format. This is at a time when their O/S is likely still 155,857,509 shares as shown in previous PRs. That is a nearly 40 million share difference.


“The Company expects to report net income of $.011 per share on 188 million shares outstanding (based upon the weighted average of shares outstanding for the year),…”

Note that the weighted O/S structure has now been reduced to 188 million shares or a reduction of 7 million shares from the previous PR showing HNSS’s O/S.


“Net income from continuing operations was $677,255 or $.004 per share on 170,833,333 weighted average shares outstanding.”

Note that the weighted O/S structure has now been reduced a second time to ~170 million shares or a reduction of 18 million shares from the previous PR showing HNSS’s O/S

So we know the company said in the first six months of the year (until Jun 30), the O/S was reduced to $305,857,509, meaning the O/S was higher at some point and then brought down over 6 months.

We know the company said in the 3rd quarter (Jul 1- Sep 30), O/S was reduced to 155,857,509.

I assumed in the 4th quarter, they reduced the O/S to only 1 share.

Even then it is impossible to get 170mil weighted averaged. The weighted average then is still much higher than that, even when I assume that they reduced the share structure immediately each time, instead of reducing it slowly over the time periods, which would make the weighted average higher.

is someone lying? ill let you make up your mind about that. heres the calculation again:

Looking at the numbers:
Started with:
O/S structure of 155,857,509
Weighted O/S structure of 195 million shares
*Difference of 40 million shares

The weighted O/S was finally reduced to 170,833,333
*Difference of 25 million shares (195-170)

155,857,509 – 25 million shares = 130,857,509

???????????? how are you subtracting the difference in the weighted O/S from the actual O/S???? that doesnt make any sense to me, just like the HNSS numbers