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11/01/11 12:33 PM

#2 RE: ChitForBrains #1

According to the SEC filing the latest div was for 5 months, not 6mos or 2 qtrs, that is a 16.6% > although that is not a huge difference on a prorated basis it still matters some. At 27 a share the trust currently yields about 9.5% until expiration in 2030. Hard to say what it will do but if it pays out steady many will likely buy it just for income so imho it shouldn't dip much below the 25 it is based; unless a major event occurs.

In short, imho currently it is a good div hold but best around the entry 25 area.

Chit it will be interesting to see it play out.
I just bought some ITT this morning at 17.75 based on the Rev forecast and recent spinoffs. Huge gap and hopefully today was a tad over done, got any thoughts on it?