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05/14/11 9:19 PM

#1000 RE: Adjustedtosteep #998

whoah, hold on partner.... you are a common shareholder and so am i. are you part of the volunteered?? if not why are defending someone you dont??? hopefully they are all fine, upstanding, great persons, but all that is beside my point.... they have asked for my info... and i gave it willingly... now they have our email addys... and should have able to convey a messagfe back to me, any anyone else for that matter, as a step one of who they are.... we are all commonshareholders... get it dude???? no one more equal than the other!!!!! they said transparency.... lets see it.... they also mentioned a couple of other good traits in thEir message.... which should be a given since they are volunteers......the NDA???? dang man what gives with you??? we are been chatted to, CCed to, Ired to, emailed to, for three months or so..... Jeff Ceo of Qasp, Jeff Ceo of Centacom, Jeff Ceo of NHSH, so now get us the names of the info is already summited, i was told stockbroker would contact us, i was told James has our back, and doesnt care if qasp goes to . he 0001 still has our backs, and even said he will take care of costs so that if COMMON SHAREHOLDERS shares should become restricted when the EXCHANGE is made he would see to it that our COMMONSHARES would free,.... unresticted,... tradable....
he also said before, before and i say it again before....any shareholder exchances or NOT up to us... all the be able to KNOW EVERYTHING so we can make a clear and HONEST decision....that also means hearing from the accontants.....ALSO! Capiche???


05/14/11 9:32 PM

#1001 RE: Adjustedtosteep #998

You are 100% correct


05/14/11 10:48 PM

#1009 RE: Adjustedtosteep #998

The following are the names of the helpful shareholder group:

John Doe
John Smith
John Hancock
John Q. Public

They are going to help the shareholders get out from underneath the despicable business practices of Joe and company.



05/14/11 11:29 PM

#1013 RE: Adjustedtosteep #998

Dooley - some folks just like to stare a gift horse in the mouth and they deserve the consequences. And then there is Joe's gang who are getting desperate spreading all sorts of FUD about the swap. Nice to have some shareholders willing to keep us updated and provide "truthful" info on what's really going on. If you can trust Jeff and James, wouldn't it stand to reason that those asssting them would be folks they know and trust as well. I guess the ole saying that you can please some folks some of the time, some folks all the time but you can't please all folks all the time ;-0
