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05/14/11 3:42 AM

#29056 RE: WSD #29055

was there any sort of point to your post I don't see any


05/14/11 9:16 AM

#29060 RE: WSD #29055

First, no I meant Skyall had a 100 million dollar revenue in 2008..this was while the financial crisis was in full swing.
I konw how you like to argue but are you seriously going to say that a company that has a 100 million annual basis in selling is samll potatoes...if so, you are truly an idiot and should find another hobby.

I posted their financials becasue Garyst stated that Skymall faded out in the 1980's when in fact they did not even become a comapny until still owe me an apology on that comment.

Second, last week while I was flying to Jacksonville only roughly 1/4 of the flight...which was full had any sort of device. From what I saw..but did not make a case study out of it was most people were reading real books, magazines and staring into space..not electronic gizmos.

You seem to want to pull this company down no matter what facts are there to back up potential LKEN has...

Why are you even here? let alone invested?