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05/13/11 12:13 PM

#5536 RE: 5dollars #5535

well to be fair .. <and i do try to be>
per the *sec* .. one isn't supposed to
give any financial advice unless one
holds a broker's license :)

that is why i say i lucked out on frcp/frpt

it was a study of *contrasts* that ran 4 years
b4 uplist and then 1 year post uplist to *understand*
how aspects were achieved .. and who exactly was *involved*

once i ascertain a co.s legitimacy .. my next area of
focus is mgmt's *awareness* of colluding entities working
for their co.s *demise* .. if i can ascertain *awareness*
<and there is still no guarantee> out of mgmt .. odds go up
significantly imo of the co.s *survival*

so legitimacy .. survivability and transparency all matter

all jmo