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05/13/11 11:35 AM

#13145 RE: AcousticHockey #13143

Good advise bud. Thanks.


05/13/11 11:50 AM

#13146 RE: AcousticHockey #13143

Well said bud! Take the money and run! Like I said time to turn the TV to a different channel.

But man that SOB is running!! :-) lol


05/13/11 2:10 PM

#13152 RE: AcousticHockey #13143

AH, I'm finally at a computer now. Thanks for the advise but, I do want to clarify a couple things. The post you were responding to was nothing more than me having a little fun with LB. I usually stuff my posts with sarcasm and humor. I'm really not that distraught with pulling out early because I'm not relying on stocks to provide income right now. I do look at it as a pretty cheap lesson. The only reason I got shaken out was previous experience getting stuck in a POS penny.

I'm also not relying on others to pick my stocks for me. I follow pump into a few stocks because he has proven that he knows what the heck he is doing. Who better to learn from than a guy like that. I ask him questions because I really want to know what he is thinking about certain plays. I joke about taking out life insurance policies on him but, that's just what it is, a joke. I like to have fun on this board because when I talk to my wife about stocks she could care less lol.

I like to learn about things that interest me and sometimes I will sit in front of the computer late at night and research things until my wife forgets my name. When it come time to find out more about playing options you and AD are just a couple of the people I will go to for some insight. Why? Because you guys have proven you know what the heck your talking about.

It was good advise, I really mean it. I just felt compelled to explain my situation a little better. I'd hate for people to think I am just here to find the next penny pick. I will keep asking questions and learning until people like pump get sick of me and tell me to get lost. By then, I'll be figuring in all out on my own anyway. Unless Pump tells me to get lost tomorrow haha.

Thanks bud, I appreciate it and good luck to you also!