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05/13/11 2:07 AM

#6214 RE: Nadendla #6212

Excellent observation!! indeed,,,

I wish everyone could meet Pharmstars Owner/ Founder Howard Phykitt... He is genuine, sincere, and just a real nice person!

people may have NOt even caught on to any of my many many posts that mention Howard... I DONT call him the CEO"

and thats mostly because of what you just said

he has the persona to be everybody's freind!..if you noticed...unlike the evil sith lord's of pennyland!

There are so many crooked CEO's, just the word CEO in the Penny Stock Market makes people CRINGE!

Thats why i refer to him as .. our President, Founder, Owner, Howard, or Mr. Phykitt...because

I dont even count Mr Howard Phykitt in with the lot of the crooked penny stock CEO's...
as soon as I met him sitting in his office, and as soon as I started talking with him... I knew he was genuine, and sincere

just look at the guy for Christ sake... he reminds me of Santa Claus type character... Jolly ole Chris Cringle...

I dont and you will rarely find me say CEo when mentioning Howard, meanwhile on every other stock I say the CEO this the CEO that...thats because he IS different...He doesnt belong DOWN here, amongst the Sharks!

I believe in him too, he ability, he wisdom, and even his connections in the Aspirin Industry!

His product it PHAR better than the rest hands down, PHAR superior, and PHAR heathlier...

Winner combo Howard, Pharmstar and "Aquaprin"