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Santa Barbara Broker

05/12/11 10:53 PM

#94985 RE: Acc441 #94984

Can't give you "facts", because then I'd be lying about Expo Holdings and just making things up to fit a personal agenda. But I can forward an opinion of the truth as I see it.

1. No attorney at the SEC or FINRA or anywhere else was spoken with concerning Expo Holdings, FTDs or NSSs. There is no attorney's name to produce. No phone number to verify. There were no conversations.

2. I'm betting that EXPH first became DTC ineligible on or about July 30, 2009. What caused it and when what caused it occurred, who knows? But if I was a gambling man, I'd guess massive resale of unregistered common shares and January 2009 through June 2009. Some of those shares then being dumped into a run-up July 2009 triggering the DTC ineligibility, the lion's share then being dumped in September 2009.

All just MHO.