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05/12/11 9:34 PM

#1297 RE: Market_Fest4 #1296

Thanks, I'm either optimistic or a glutten for punishment, lol...

Yeah I'm beginning to wonder if they will even catch and make this thing profitable. Other outfit have bigger bucks and bigger R&D and seem to be way ahead. What ESLR is claiming sounds like a major breakthrough. I guess that's something we need to get comfortable with. Than they can deliver.

But you are correct, if they can't get their debt redone as proposed last winter, they will need to dillute or declare bankruptcy. That 13% debt is currently crushing them and comes due in 2013. What rate will they get then if this thing isn't profitable by then. If they can get the debt redone, that would tell me they got some serious money to believe they can make it. That would huge.

I really believe this thing will go below $1 now. It be worth a gamble to pick a little up then and average down if need be to catch another pop. I have a habit of averaging down projects though and am getting a little tired of it.

Thanks and good luck to you.