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05/11/11 10:25 PM

#7946 RE: bladerunner1717 #7945

listen to the past four conference calls whch are separated by several months. it sounds like berger several months was saying partner ex usa and asia and europe, then it went to essentially possibly europe and likely asia, now it really sounds to me like maybe asia, and thats about it. i really think these guys have so much confidence in ponatinib at this point they are goin to take this to europe themselves....and i guess that is fine with me assuming berger can raise $100 million at much higher levels than here..minimal dilution.

ariad should take this to the market themselves...there is no denying what this drug is doing in CML and it sounds like they are going to e running a front line trial in 2012...heck, maybe even sooner.

as far as im concerned, screw large pharma. those guys are aholes and dinosaurs who dont know their ass from their elbow at times...look at how slow merck has moved with ridaforolimus ..its a joke. and i think berger learned his lesson with dealing with those jerks.

oh, and by the way, when you have the best drug on the market, by far, it doesnt matter if you have a partner in europe or not...the doctors WILL COME TO YOU. i am sure at this point the buzz in the european science and oncology centers is just as high about ponatiinib is here in the usa.


05/11/11 10:44 PM

#7948 RE: bladerunner1717 #7945


How are you pal? Been a while since we chatted about the little bio that could.

Just had a chance to listen to today's cc. At about the 21:20 mark, para-phrasing the Harv:

"We are reaching the decision to most likely commercialize pona in Europe ourselves. We have not made the final decision just yet"

The Harv's got the ball and he's gonna run with it. BTH is right.

Now if the over-all market could just keep from imploding for another year or so, things will get real interesting around here.

Good article in the Smithsonian on Dr. who helped develop Gleevec. Nice plug for Pona towards the end. (not sure if posted here on Ihub yet. Enjoy: