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05/10/11 11:32 PM

#8236 RE: tubbyfish #8233

What people don't realize YET, is that "if" those first 30 CAE contracts all applied for last year between June and December get approved," within the coming weeks" as the OPA's own press release indicates, and as the email i received from the OPA indicates, the contracts will represent well over a couple of hundred million dollars in revenues for the company.

How will that look for the S-1 ????

By the way, if you're wondering why the stock has been down the last couple of days, you can blame more short manipulation. I wonder who could be dong this illegal manipulation ? Whoever it is, is trying to pressure it daily, all day, every day. Its being monitored closely.

Oh well, cant keep a good deal down. The big news, which will be here soon and will change it all

: )

Total Trading Volume: 5349
Daily Short Volume: 2000
Avg. Price of Shorts Today: 1.073
Short %: 37.39
Volume at Offer: 2449
Buy%: 45.780
Volume at Bid: 900
Sell%: 16.830
Shares Crossed: 2000.000
Cross%: 37.390
Net Buying vs. Selling: 1549
Price Change: -0.05000
Friction Factor: 0

The above data is used to calculate if a fair market is being made in the shares of AWSL.

Friction Factor determines if there is normal or abnormal behavior in the price action of the stock when compared to the buying vs. selling trading statistics.

Today the Friction Factor is abnormal again, meaning that more buying than selling caused the price to drop, which is evidence of short manipulative activity.

The video was added to the web site.

So far over 240 views,


(great info Willy)


05/11/11 1:04 PM

#8256 RE: tubbyfish #8233

No doubt the FIT program will succeed and AWSL will be one of the big players.

That becomes doubtful after one does some due diligence on the management team of AWSL and their past.

This management team has shown how they treat their own shareholders in the other companies they have run. It doesn't bode well that these guys have shown their true colors by completely disregarding their own loyal shareholders and left them holding the bag in the dust in the other companies they've run.

Anyone in charge of any government program with any sense at all wouldn't get near the guys who run this company with a 10 foot pole.... if the Canadien general public got word that their tax dollars (going towards the FIT program) were going to fund a bunch of crooks and scam artists whose pasts were filled with lies, sketchy business deals, and relationships with companies who have been charged with fraud etc (Penny Stock Chaser) there would be a mighty backlash.