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05/10/11 5:38 PM

#3698 RE: Market_Fest4 #3697

MF4: They probably won't nullify the trades. The big banks of the cabal keep all the profits on their trading so they can continue their multi-million Dollar bonuses. When the big banks have losses they just get free money from Bernanke with the overheanging threat that the economy will come to a grinding halt if another bailout is not forthcoming. So when the house of cards finally collapses watch Bernanke & Geithner go to Congress for TARP II so they can bail out the banks yet again. With our form of crony capitalism (or phony capitalism) the banks privatize their earnings and socialize their losses to the working stiffs of America. Not a bad deal...for the banksters. And we've never had a government or a Federal Reserve so compliant to the wishes of Wall Street. My sincere hope is that when the collapse comes we have some politicians with cajones that stand up to the Fed and the banks....Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and hopefully a few others. We need to reign in the Fed or abolish it altogether. They should have one tool in their tool kit....the ability to set short term interest rates. That's it. No money creation. No propping up the bond market, the equity markets, failing corporations, foreign banks, etc.