How I see it is the same as others, the higher EVCA pps, the less shares have to be sold. thats why I like the 8K.
Here's the beauty IMO >>
The pps doesn't get determined by how much money is needed, but the pps depicts how many shares are sold! IMO, thats not dilution and if it is, its a great way to do it so it doesn't devalue the shareholders shares. true, everyone wants the shares to be bought at a low price so they will be worth a bigger % down the road. Fact: money thats worth 250K is still worth 250K whether its 100,000 shares or 1000 shares. example 250K buys 250,000 shares, or 250K can buy 250 shares, when the pps goes up 20%, 250K is still 300K whether it was 250 shares or 250,000 shares.