Oh yeah! Here we go. Maybe the start of a PR blitz. Remember we have seen numerous times that they are working on a lot of good things in emails from Jack Eversull. This was a nice surprice for a boring Saturday afternoon.
Awesome news! I live in Cali valley and we have numerous NEV's (neighborhood electric vehicles) This is great news on progression to the bigger vehicles. Most people here think the NEV's are glorified golf carts. In a sense they are. People customize them with wheels and chrome and rain guards etc. they are becoming more popular every day because of rising gas prices. IMO, EVCA is on the right track and I feel in no way are they wanting to lose money going forward. I love the plan for the finacing! EVCA is snowballing forward and probably faster than we hear about. Mits has been around for quite awhile and I have seen lots of new products come from them that have been very successful over the years. all imho of course...
Seems like good news over the weekend that they are considering it, wonder when they will make up their minds and add some to the list of current franchises, which is how many? TIA