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05/09/11 5:22 PM

#240594 RE: rbl100 #240321

Interesting: quote "there are people in the military and there are people in every other federal organization that we’ve talked about who know that Mr. Obama is an outlaw. There are people in the military who are really ticked-off about that, and this is completely in keeping with the kind of attitude that is invested in military men and women who believe that Obama is an unconstitutional commander-in-chief and, at the same time, have had enough of this political game. They had a chance to take out Osama bin Laden, and they’re not going to take any nonsense from the White House; they’re just going to go in and do it.

Now as this story unfolds, and it will, that notion is going to build and build and build. It will be interesting to see who the personalities are who are involved in this.

I believe that Mr. Obama is in descent. I believe that he is on his way out the door. Another aspect to this which is consistent with what I think is going on is that I believe that people in the military know that he’s not going to last very much longer and that he’s not the commander-in-chief. He’s a fake. If they had a shot to take Osama bin Laden and they went to the White House to get permission to do that and the answer came back, “No,” then it was “Excuse me, but you aren’t the head of the ship anymore.”"

Mr. Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya. He’s not lawfully holding office in the White House, and there are military people who know that and they do not recognize his authority. They also recognize that Mr. Obama is committing acts of treason against this country, and what you saw within the last week was, “We’ve had enough of you and your decisions and the people who are in the White House.” In other words, the military knows enough, and the Seals community would be just that group of people. They don’t take prisoners; these guys mean what they say and say what they mean. From what I understand, there was increased intelligence coming out of interrogations at Guantanamo Bay; that’s run by the Navy. And you know there are Seals down at Gitmo.

So this makes complete sense to me. This is the United States Armed Forces standing up to Mr. Obama and saying to him, “You’re not my commander-in-chief.”"

"Mr. Obama is found out. The military knows that Mr. Obama is an outlaw. They know that he is not commander-in-chief. That document that he put out on the internet the other day is a fake. Now imagine that you’re in the United States Armed Forces today, and you see this, and you’re a military commander, a senior officer, and you know what’s been going out there and what’s been said about this, and you know that it’s been an issue building and building and building…See, Mr. Obama cannot get away from the fact that he has now tried to pull the wool over our eyes again."