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05/09/05 10:51 AM

#69599 RE: TWOMIL #69598

TWOMIL...just an observation..Is that maybe the reason that corporate America is rife with graft and absolute greed . And that the reason that elected officials sell their own country and middle class citizens out for avarice and power. It seems that the corporate side is driven by thirst for riches, and the government side is driven by the thirst for power. They take care of each other. Jusy my personal take on this..

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05/09/05 11:10 AM

#69600 RE: TWOMIL #69598

TwoMill..IMO the word is


not run...such as is the case on Agora.

Freedom of speech isn't in an attorneys vocabulary...look at all the trials...certain evidence isn't allowed at times (it should all be allowed)'s generally not in the favor of the bad guys....MJ is a perfect example lately.

What's the first thing an attorney tells you...KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT...sound familiar?

Do they also run the SEC, DTCC, FDA and FTC? Most likely.


Looks like the scams being exposed are the cause of poorly managed attorneys....more likely, greedy attorneys.

Any idea why NBC and the naked shorting fiasco has been hushed? I'm sure this was 100% caused by attorneys including threats.

but I could be wrong. one's come up with a reasonable explanation.

You sure won't see anything on the A-Con board about least for very long.

How 'bout Mguru? I know, if you ignore it long enough it should go away.

Say hi to Bill and Hillary for me.

edit: BTW if you get involved with an attorney, you need eight pairs of hands....

four to cover your ass....

the other four to keep your wallet secured.

but to my friend Bob attorney...he's an exception.

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05/09/05 2:25 PM

#69604 RE: TWOMIL #69598

Subject: HRH: I know Mguru


PostID 390849 On Tuesday, March 29, 2005 (EST) at 10:28:49 AM

Response To: hotrodhans PostID 390837

I have known Mguru since late 1994. He's an honest stock broker from the San Diego area who has followed e.Digital since 1994. I have no reason to doubt the information he's sharing on this forum though I've not spoken with him in over 9 months on this or other matters.

Good luck to all.

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05/09/05 3:17 PM

#69606 RE: TWOMIL #69598

Hey twomill did we ever find out if it was true that Canada can/has been shorting OTC stocks -
