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05/05/11 1:26 AM

#139221 RE: F6 #139217

Timeline of PEDOPHILE SCANDAL involving ...

Catholic priests in the USA (WARNING: some of you will hate me after reading this):

Early 1960's ... the birth-control pill distributed in the USA
Late 1960's ... sexual revolution sweeps the USA (along with civil rights movement)

Early 1970's ... Homosexuality no longer treated as a crime by most Police in USA
Late 1970's ... Homosexuality declared NORMAL by majority of Psychologists & Psychiatrists in USA

Early 1980's ... Catholic Church accepts the professional opinions of Psychologists & Psychiatrists and begins to formally welcome Homosexuals to Seminaries in USA to study for the Priesthood
Late 1980's ... first cohort of Gay Priests ordained and sent out to their duty stations

Early 2000's ... PEDOPHILE SCANDAL erupts; hundreds of Priests accused of molesting children (90% of these abused children were boys)
Late 2000's ... Pope orders seminaries to stop admitting Homosexuals because 90% of the Priests involved in the PEDOPHILE SCANDAL were from the 5% of Priests having a Homosexual orientation.

PS: Now, feel free to hate me and to compose vicious, angry messages ... .


05/05/11 7:01 AM

#139235 RE: F6 #139217

What a disgrace! Interestingly enough, efforts on behalf of the Church to award this "prize" were put on a fast track/expedited perhaps to prevent a groundswelling of objection. On the otherhand, most who object to the behavior of ANYONE and/or ANY organization who protects people, including clerics, who abuse children AND rewards those who do, i.e. Cardinal Law (Boston), have expressed their opinion with their feet.