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05/04/11 4:08 PM

#240176 RE: rbl100 #240175

Another lie from TPTB…. Just last night the NEW Unsolved Mysteries put out the Phillip Kramer death story again. Guess what? Now they claim along with his widow that he was about to reveal a computer program that could pick out a single person in a crowd of thousands within a second….Well this story is total BS. How do I know you ask?
Heh heh, well my good friend has the original footage of the first Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack as host, that aired in the mid 90’s on tape and the story goes like this – Kramer discovered a way to time-travel and/or send matter from point A to point B faster than the speed of light. Not find faces in crowds….Just look into “The universe is considered to be a finite, spherical, closed system. Monopole gravity waves propagate any distance in Plank time, which is about 5.4x10-44 seconds, therefore their effects appear everywhere almost instantly. These gravity wave signals are the sum total of the background flux of the universe.” And how the “A” note on the music scale was changed to 440 Hz instead of the previous 432 Hz. Don’t forget what this relative of Phillip said: “I'm actually his nephew's god brother and I've heard from his mom that Taylor had mentioned a couple of times that he would NEVER kill himself; and that if something ever happened to him that would not be the case. He had often claimed that he wasn't safe and that he was being watched.”

My my how we try to change history…..Reminds me of Morris K. Jessup, Nikola Tesla, and others who always seem to die, declared insane or go missing just after coming to an epiphany of KNOWLEDGE. I’m surprised and grateful Eric Dollard is alive and hope he stays that way as long as possible….