I don't think many people expected 100% gains but I think some people did expect it to run to 6-7. Could be just light volume for AH right now or also could be the shelf that they filed earlier keeping it down. Nonetheless, good news for NEOP and the stock should continue to rise.
i originally said to buy at $2 and reiterated buying in the $1.75's since Sept/November. since then, the stock is up almost 250-300% depending on where you got in.
SPPI (it triggered the regulatory circuit breaker today) -due to the bear raid! It dropped 10% in the session and hit the RCP at which point Schwab puts that on my trading window next to the symbol and it also had an HB (hard to borrow symbol there).
Needless to say it dropped 14% due to a bear raid and once the RCB was triggered it started climbing back.