Oh yes I am. And I want to make sure it is LOUD and CLEAR.
Just make sure you say the same things to the BIRTHERS that you've said to me.
And then remember all the stuff that the partisans on the Right have been saying for years..must blow a few gaskets
And then when all is said and done, when you say your prayers tonight, don't forget to thank God for President Obama.
Took him 2 years what Bush couldn't do in 8 years.
And this was after Bush gave up in Afghanistan, and pulled out 90% of the troops there to send to Iraq..which is now an ally of Iran, and has decimated, murdered, raped and left homeless, it's Christian and Jewish population.
Try to find a Christian house in Iraq today...nearly all of them have lost everything, including their homes and children.
It's not so much partisan because I deal in reality, not made up fairytales and false rumors, as is the GOP forte to rewrite history. And I am also a world citizen.
Wonder what Rush will say..maybe that Bin Laden didn't matter?
I'm sure we'll hear some of his comedy. Sour grapes.