"Any chance of giving us a hint who the HUGE competitor was?"
Just for semantic clarification,I never said competitor. I don't want to create the impression they were there to negotiate terms of a buyout,but instead were there for technial advice. It does tell me Implant is well respected in the community. I would prefer not mentioning the name, as it came about in random conversation i had with Glenn over the course of one hour. I can tell you this, these people are genuine, and the tech is the real deal. They are continuing to align themselves with people who WILL do everything possible to get the company profitable. We here, are so early to the party. Glenn told me there were only three thousand shareholders. In a nutshell, they have sold around 1300 150's worldwide. While it's a great tool, as Robert Liscouski said you need more than one in your tool box.
The general consensus is Cargo/rail/ bus will be the most vunerable-The bad guys see the window for passenger mules narrowing due to heightened security. Cargo is HUGE- there are 3000 domestic, and 16000 worldwide carriers. 5% is being screened at the moment. A big part of the reason they still are putting rapiscans in airports(aside from Chertoff) is noone wants to be accountable for change. Nobody wants to stick their neck out, and or lose their job. Welcome to washington folks. Same for India to an extent, and partially the reason that large India order hasn't shipped yet. The good thing is Implant has the goods, and is tailoring the tech to accomodate the specific requests of TSA.
Someone mentioned benchtop- yes they are on that too. There will be many applications for the tech- wooden pallatized(C2), vehicle undercarriages,etc,etc. On the dignified screening,One of the execs put it best. He said personally he didn't mind being searched, but didn't want his six year old daughter being groped. Think of the avoided trauma, and litigation, not to mention it's a runaway winner for TSA publicity. One of the questions posed to Glenn was has Israel vetted the tech- "they are waiting to see what the TSA will do with it". Again, looks great on paper.. if we can get that seal we are golden. All JMO