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04/30/11 11:32 AM

#105001 RE: exogyra #104991

4K, I agree wth exogyra...I couldn't follow it either and I think I've narrowed it down to 2 places. Either the flux capacitor isn't receiving the necessary gigawatts to cross the time continium or we're newbies trying to learn from an expert such as yourself and getting lost in translation.
We are all appreciative of your posts...even those who understand what you're saying, we just hope we can learn AND enjoy this little ride called JBII.
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04/30/11 12:19 PM

#105008 RE: exogyra #104991

sorry about that

please let me know if any others need to be clarified

RT = real time
MC = market cap
SOP = standard operating procedure
HOD = high of day
LOD = low of day
COM = close of market
EOM = end of month
EOD = end of day

when i post this .. bid/ask .. 2.04/2.10 .. 1x2

the bid is 2.04
the ask is 2.10

1 is on the bid side <visible>
2 are on the ask side

i track volume and percentages
because on the OTC .. the tricks
employed by many are too numerous to list out

yesterday's eod trades .. literally last 7 minutes or so
were some the most *BLATANT* i've ever observed

the MMs' and *some* of their hedge fund clients .. took
a gamble last may *imo* when mgmt 8k'd the hiring of WSB
that filing came out ah's on 5/14/2010

i posted in rt that an oppty was being *created* .. meaning
X entity shorted the crap out of the stock .. but tellingly
in my book .. the volume to take the pps from 5.00 to 1.60
was LESS than 800,000 shares

the relentless grind all last summer into winter proved to me
that *most* of jbii shareholders were indeed holding tight
and some others were even adding <obviously there are some
who trade and i'm sure some sold>

this is where daily reg sho .. imo shows TRUE
but not as some may believe on a daily basis
but rather over weeks and months and for some years

i knew via daily reg sho <even tho' volume didn't show it
and god knows the daily pps was rigidly controlled on jbii>
in march ~ that aspects had changed .. imo whomever entered
knew exactly how to buy just enough without upsetting the
controlling MMs' apple cart

but the cracks were in place which is why we see 15 days of
daily reg sho above 30 percent for march


now moving to april .. notice the percentages are starting to
creep up from 30 to 40 to 50

i said last week via PM to some longs who've asked me ..

that with *legit* buying pressure <not BS MM games> that
reg sho will start to hit 60/70 percent

meaning the shares don't exist .. that is why they had no
choice eod on friday to slow it down .. if they lost 3.00
jbii was closing at 3.25 ish ... it's that thin

now my caveats are basic .. i said in rt last year .. that
the biggest mistake made by whichever hedgie shorted jbii
that they screwed up .. due to one specific detail

the no. of attendees at JBI's very first AGM

i've been attending SMs' for about a decade now
most big board co.s would give their right arm for that
kind of attendance

it's unheard of on an OTC co. .. to say nothing of a first
ever annual meeting

and it told me .. that folks knew mgmt .. the co. and
had done their basic DD .. which is of course what keeps
folks from getting emotional about whiplash pps gyrations
and either holding tight or buying shares as the stock is SHORTED
ever lower

which of course is a specialty on the OTC and easily understood
when *shares* are required to cover

all jmo