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04/29/11 7:58 PM

#27715 RE: ed3/6me #27714

We always suspected that you were the gullible type, LOL.


04/29/11 8:29 PM

#27716 RE: ed3/6me #27714

Hey ed3 just got up from my evening nap was looking at another stock when i saw your message. Yeal tbrays picked up some more today also. You have me out numbered now.Lol But i am trying to get another to the point that i can profit take what i want off of it. I really look for this one to start taking off in may. It gets under my skin a little when someone who doesnt own shares in a stock to try and bash it but i have plenty of ammo to take care of that and another one of his buddies that only comes back to this board to bash also. The other one is a two click day/trader that said he was quit trading to 2012 but he has his self in a mess on another one now also and doesnt understand why it is trading like it is. Tells me he is alost sheep from the heard also. Anyway you have about got your average down to where it want take much work to where you could start profit taking after this rises a little. Mr. Varok on another board talks about stocks and the 3 P,s. The 1st P is taking some of your 1st investment off the table and then the 2n, and 3rd then you are trading for free. He is a very smart man and can explain the way stocks work in simple terms and make it interesting all at the same time. I believe that Lenny and the other 2 guys will do what ever it takes to turn lken around. They are not quiters and they all know business and what it will take to get the pp,s up. Like i,ve said it is no problem to lower the 10 billion shares out there in the making but are not concerned about that and shouldnt be. Its easy to fix when it comes time too. Greene Concepts is new as of 11/04/2011 and its now a start up company. No one can just build a new company in 6 months and not have problems. Anyone should be able to see its holding the bottom and as new things start coming out in the PR,s the pp,s has to go up when your already on the bottom right. Lol. Ome way to go from here, we been on the bottom long enough Lol. Have a good weekend Ed Monday is the 2nd of may and May will be a good month for Greene Comcepts. If not you can call me a DumbA$$. Go Greene Comcepts