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Replies to #41229 on FOREX TRADERS
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Relentless Despot

04/29/11 7:06 PM

#41231 RE: daiello #41229

Sure. It has been the contention of many that the wars we keep engaging in are wars for oil. Allegations are made that we invade oil rich countries to secure low priced oil for the major corporations.

I doubt the validity of such arguments. After watching this charade for quite a few years now I contend that we are invading these countries to keep the oil in the ground and pump up prices to benefit the oil corporations as well as bring about the economic collapse that will allow the world bankers to unite us under one "secure" currency.

I remember the Iraq war was supposed to be funded with cheap oil from Iraq... Did it happen? Does anyone remember?

No it didn't happen. How much oil is Iraq pumping? Compared to pre-war times?
Was Iraq a threat? No.

Iran will be next.
Is Iran a threat? No.

Venezuela after that.
Is Venezuela a threat? No.

What was our cause for invading Libya?
Is Libya a threat? No.

Now I often entertain the notion that our government puts stock in the peak oil theory and they are securing oil for the future, for when Saudi Arabia runs dry.
But I don't believe the peak oil theory. And I don't think they do either.
I'm more of a fan of the abiotic production of oil that seems to make more sense. If oil is produced from the decay of once alive organic materials, then why the hell is it located so deep in the earth?.. Many times many miles under the crust. Surely the Earth is not so geographically volatile that the crust heaves up and down miles at a time.. Simply doesn't make sense.

So if we can (with research) reject the peak oil theory then we are left without the only, both honorable and plausible, reason for these invasions. What is left is plausible but not very honorable.

Considering it is governments we are speaking about, any notions that the explanation had to be moral should have been immediately discounted.. But what can I say?... I'm an optimist... Had to give it a try.

So we've rejected the only moral reason.. So what remains and what can be seen by their actions? Where is the price of oil, now many years later? Sky F^@%#g high is right. Making the assumption that these people are not morons, we can then conclude that they are getting exactly what they wanted. Their intent was to increase the price of oil while sustaining the industrial military machine, and crushing the economy. All an attempt to centralize the control and enslavement of humanity is my contention, because that is what they do.

Now I know I kinda jumped right into that conclusion so let me back up a second and support my notion.

What have we seen our nation do over the last two hundred years?
We have seen it move from a republic with many different states into a "Democracy" with a seemingly all powerful central government.
Why is that? And can it all be blamed on a concerted effort?
I suspect that much of it is simply natural influences placed on those in government.. Much of it I am sure is fairly honest... The honesty of brainless twits sure.. but honest no less. I am also quite certain that an equal amount of it is an effort that is based in the hoarding of power by the central bank that is now lending us our own damned money and collecting interest on that money.. Then selling the debt we can't pay back to China and just about every other nation on this planet.

I understand the support for my notion was rather incoherent.. I am sorry as I have a 1 year old absolutely devoted to taking her food and putting it in the mouth of the wife's Boston Terrior. Type half a line and go running across the room to disrupt what was a good deal for mister Oreo (Clever and original name for a boston terrier.. I know.. I didn't name him), and a lesson in supply and demand for Mika (Did name her).

But I think you get my point.

Understanding this, what can we then take from it and apply to Forex?

We can assume there is an effort from our rulers to kill our economy.. We can assume that devaluing the dollar is very much part of that plan, as well as the others. As Ataglance and I often say:
"Know the bigger trend"
To know the bigger trend allows us to see the current trend for what it is. Always start with the biggest timeframe possible and then move your way down to the smaller timeframes.

The big trend is the buck is declining. Start from there and all is gravy.