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04/28/11 1:05 PM

#138302 RE: bulldzr #138279

bulldzr- The biggest mistake people make is to confuse weather and climate. Remember, it's really about time.

Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.

You're correct in that the global warming-deniers think no more logically than the birthers (although the former are merely ignorant—lacking knowledge—while the latter know just what they’re doing) but it only helps them when more logical and informed people make the same sort of error.

“It’s really cold today, so global warming is nonsense” makes no more sense scientifically than “It’s really hot/stormy/etc. today, must be global warming.” :-)

As a newcomer to this fine board, I’m going to guess that the following link has already been posted here, but if so it bears repeating.

Here’s Professor John Abraham’s lengthy slide presentation responding to climate change-deniers and giving a step-by-step scientific, factual explanation of what the Earth is currently experiencing:

If you’ve never seen it, it takes some time to watch and digest, but it will give you the facts with which to refute nonsense.