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05/05/05 2:29 PM

#110208 RE: lobogotti #110203

lobo it's the 'we' that I object to...not your report...just speak for yourself. When you report "Richard and I"...that tells me that I should be reading that from Richard...

Posted by: lobogotti
In reply to: None Date:5/5/2005 1:33:22 PM
Post #of 110131


Dear Shareholders,

I have some words for you from Richard, but let me be the first to tell you I am not spreading rumors. Also, please do not flip these words around, I was told by him that it was okay to post. It is important that you do not read the wrong way into the conversation that we had, because there will be no hidden riddles in this post. Just some good info for you to mull over; or a bit of an update that isn’t worthy of an IR section on the website yet. In reading this you will realize this may not be the news you want to hear, but hopefully some of you will enjoy the reading.

First of all, let me start by saying Richard is an extremely busy man. He said he gets some 150 – 200 emails a day and the phone never stops ringing. So if emails go unanswered or calls unreturned, please do not get frustrated. It is a guestimate that there are over 6000 investors in this thing. At the rate of emails and phone calls he gets, well you can understand why you might not hear back. Also know there are several investors that have a very good relationship with the man, they choose not to post their conversations. They feel that words will be twisted and people will get let down, well I can’t blame them. I am just letting you know he does speak with people here on a regular basis.

Now onto our discussion, I would say we spoke somewhere between 20 – 30 minutes this morning. I told him I wouldn’t post our conversation, but he said that wasn’t a problem. He did stress the fact that he didn’t want people getting a sense of GREAT things to come from my small post, only to be let down on a future date. This is one reason I will not be posting dates, I too do not want folks to look for something that isn’t necessarily there tomorrow.

I started by asking very simple questions. The road show dates were my first. He was aware of the silence on the subject. He did tell me he had seen a few dates yesterday and hoped to have some of those up on the website within the next couple weeks. There is in fact going to be road show dates posted at some time, it is not dead in the water. I got the same info on hosts for the morning show. Basically some of these things we think are dead in the water, just take a little longer than we would like, but they will be tended to. Look for updates on the site on these issues in the month of May, which should give him and Q the right amount of time to do it right!!!

We also talked about getting off the pinks. To my understanding they have done the audit, and they are giving the info to auditors. He was adamant that there would be no reverse split from the company. Frank absolutely has the shareholders in mind on this subject and will not reverse split. He also said that the company is moving very rapidly, and for this I would have to agree. The signing of Rodney A. Omanoff was a great thing for us. We could get some good talent. Notice I said we could, not that we would.

Back to the financials, they want this done to bring a better value to the company, and so do the carriers. They need to be sound and QTN feels this is crucial to their efforts as of now. They are fixing this problem and it is only going to make them a stronger company. No dates were given as to when they would be reporting; just know that is a high priority for us, the company and the carriers. It will not be swept under the rug and forgotten about.

I did speak to him about MM’s and day traders. Richard has some 10+ years experience in stocks. He doesn’t feel the stock is being completely manipulated as much as he thinks there are quite a lot of day traders that trade this stock. I have to say I agree with that assessment, mix in no follow thru on certain subjects and you get the current PPS.

Frank, Rene and another are traveling a lot, they usually need to consult before a decision is made on PR’s and other issues; to my understanding it is hard to get them all together. They are working on many different things. The websites don’t get the full updates as needed; they will be working on that in the future. An example of that is stuff we find on the net as opposed to simply looking on the website. There are so many I can’t even list them, but from help of people on this board we have access to a lot of great QTN information that simply has not been put onto the site. Hopefully soon that will be a thing of the past. QTN is involved with a lot of great companies and unless you really read every post on these boards, you might miss them.

I didn’t ask him about carriers, I don’t feel I needed to. Reason being is because it will happen when it happens. I feel they are making an honest effort, but bogged down with trying to run a network. I got the impression that the mood was getting their books in order. That doesn’t mean they aren’t talking to carriers, because the fact is they are in meeting with them quite a bit per Richard. That just means that they are working to strengthen the company from every angle.

I realize a lot of PR’s have not had follow thru; I am just as upset as the rest of you. The fact is we invested in a pink sheet company, who is now trying to take us to the next level. Even if we don’t see it, they are making moves that matter. Silence will be broken on open ended issues. That doesn’t mean tomorrow, but it will happen.

I cannot provide you answers to every question we have, but I will be speaking with him from time to time. I will be emailing him results to surveys we run. I will offer any help to him that I can give. I will not be giving any info thru PM’s, simply because I don’t have it. Richard and I encourage any of you to call or email, but there is no guarantee you will get through on the first try. I am open for suggestions as to what GOOD questions we can ask the man, but let’s be realistic about what we ask.

Understand that this post is not sugarcoated. I am giving it to you real, because that is what we deserve. I know it feels like we are in a down stage the past few months and if you look at the PPS, then that statement is correct. You as the investor are the one who must determine the pro’s vs. the con’s.

In my opinion and that is exactly the way it is stated MY OPINION; I feel the company has a lot on its plate. I feel they are taking the right steps and trying to build a strong backbone, we can choose to give them a set amount of time or sell. It is that simple. Whatever happens I wish all of you the best of luck and hope to see you prosper in all your future business.

Thanks for your time,


05/05/05 2:33 PM

#110212 RE: lobogotti #110203

your efforts are appreciated...

please continue to do what you are doing

profit gains

05/05/05 2:36 PM

#110216 RE: lobogotti #110203

Well, it's not bad at all to know the update of Pride Canada stuffs form any source.

Appreciate it!!!