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05/05/05 2:29 PM

#25393 RE: bag8ger #25391

bag, Well that's a start.

Although there are just as many (if not more) who spend an equal amount of time posting nothing but positive comments.

Next question.

Where do the traders get their "...accumulated millions of trading shares over the years..."

It would seem that anyone 'accumulating' shares over the years must have lost a lot of money by now. Conversely every trader worthy of your 'Lesson One' must have already sold every share purchased at less than a couple of cents during the last run. Wouldn't that indicate that the 'traders' would be either out of the picture by now (because they sold their cheap shares in the last run) or ready for the stock to rise now in order to make money on all those 'accumulated' shares that they bought above todays current levels?

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05/05/05 10:25 PM

#25409 RE: bag8ger #25391

Bag8ger---If it does not make a difference then why do they do it?
The ladies doth protest to much. I have watched the price as
news was posted here take a dive within a few min from when it was posted. Like the day we did not come off the pinks. We here know the news first---most have to wait until they come home from work.

Take Care