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04/26/11 9:39 PM

#1054 RE: ElGuapo1908 #1053

nobody answer this guy he is a super agent corp spy trying to find out super secrets!!!! LOL. Just kidding whoever wrote that about me a while back. Welcome to the forum handsome1908 you just bought an excellent stock IMHO. Best risk to reward that I feel I will see in my lifetime. Thats just super ninja gut feeling though, hurry up and read this because the mod will take it down. Humor is not allowed on this forum "NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!"


04/26/11 9:42 PM

#1055 RE: ElGuapo1908 #1053

Welcome to the board, El G. The answer to your first question:

The deposit remains open to depth and along strike with an excellent potential to expand the resource estimate.

Regarding the second question, it seems to me that the most important result you want to know is how many grams of gold/tonne and for how many meters. Perhaps others can be a better help on that last question.


04/26/11 9:49 PM

#1056 RE: ElGuapo1908 #1053

I'll take question 1, Handsome Man, and Bienvenido.

Understanding "open along strike and at depth" requires a 3-dimensional view. Management will normally tell you how they plan to direct the drilling, so let's say it will run along an east-west axis, stepping out each drill hole farther to the west. If the drilling continues to encounter mineralization up to the last westward hole drilled, it's not that the mineralization has stopped being encountered to the west; it's that they have stopped drilling to the west, so the mineralization is still open along strike, or in this case in a westerly direction. More drill holes even farther to the west will confirm that there is/is not more mineralization as you continue drilling west, along the axis of the drilling. Open at depth is the same concept, only as you drill deeper. So let's say you encounter mineralization at 150 meters, and 200 meters, and 220 meters, but your drilling stops at 220 meters. As far as one can tell from the drilling conducted, you have not demonstrated that the mineralization has ended at that depth; your drilling has ended at that depth. So the mineralization is open at depth, until even deeper drilling confirms the mineralization continues or ends beyond that point. Being open both along strike and at depth is the most desirable place to be, because your drill program has ended still hitting mineralization at the last hole you drilled along the drilling axis and at the deepest point you drilled for a given hole. Hope that helps.


04/26/11 10:39 PM

#1060 RE: ElGuapo1908 #1053

To answer your question #2. Zero.

Tons are a weight metric.

Meter is a distance metric. You need three dimensions (height x width x length) to get volume.

The calculation to convert volume to tons of rock (use ~145-175 pounds per cubic feet of rock), multiply weight factor times cubic feet and divide by 2,000 pounds per ton.