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04/25/11 9:25 PM

#137926 RE: StephanieVanbryce #137894

Quote: "... if the progressive proposal has all these virtues, why isn’t it getting anywhere near as much attention as the much less serious Ryan proposal? It’s true that it has no chance of becoming law anytime soon. But that’s equally true of the Ryan proposal."
[see also specifically re the Ryan medicare plan] .. In short, the Ryan plan, as it stands, does not represent a realistic path forward. Either it will not be enacted, or it will be modified to look more like the German system before it is enacted, or it will be enacted first and modified later. Meanwhile, it will remain more of a political platform than a serious policy initiative.
Quote continued: "The answer, I’m sorry to say, is the insincerity of many if not most self-proclaimed deficit hawks. To the extent that they care about the deficit at all, it takes second place to their desire to do precisely what the People’s Budget avoids doing, namely, tear up our current social contract, turning the clock back 80 years under the guise of necessity. They don’t want to be told that such a radical turn to the right is not, in fact, necessary." .. end quote ..

One other reason the 'The People's Budget' is not getting the attention it deserves is that MEDIA, the MSM, is not giving it the attention it deserves.

It is the very same reason (OT but) that so many Americans FALL EASY PREY to the conservative, Islamophobic myth that American Muslims have not stood out vocally against the extremists of their ranks. Many many Muslims and MANY Muslim organizations did, and continue to, CONDEMN Muslim extremists, but the media has not responsibly informed the American people of that FACT.

Self-proclaimed deficit hawks do not give the American people a fair go. Irresponsible MSM
do not give Muslims a fair go. Irresponsible MSM do not give 'The People's Budget' a fair go.


The People's Budget

Instead of attacking the poor and middle class, the Progressive Caucus has
an alternative that balances the budget by putting America back to work.

Congressional Progressive Caucus: HOME

Aside: speaking of "Taking a hike" it's time for one .. cu ..