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Santa Barbara Broker

04/24/11 10:37 AM

#93534 RE: ThePennyGuru #93533

What will happen when longs decide to take out all the .0002's?

Any B&H acquirers of those .0002 cent Expo shares will eventually lose twice as much money. That same information that was advanced when the EXPH shares were selling at .03 cents, .02 cents, .01 cent, .005 cent and more recently @ .003 cent. It was ridiculed then as well until it was eventually proven 100% factual...then ignored and the bar lowered in a continuing death spiral of management deceipt and dilution and the apparent continuation of some entities to engage in the most proven money losing strategy known to exist in any stock market...desperation/panic spawned averaging down. Expo management is going to perform a reverse split or something even more destructive to their share value. Barring a minor miracle of them accidently and mistakenly acquiring and structuring a bid on business in which they could actually earn a profit, it is just a matter of time till an R/S and/or massive dilution or debt assumption resumes. When that happens, the current share price will be cut conservatively by 95% in the first three to six months following. There is always the hope that Expo management will continue to run their deceiptful operation with occasional P&Ds but without selling into one, no shareholder in EXPH shares has any future whatsoever with them except losing money. Feel free to archive this post. There is an extraordinarily high chance it will eventually be proven 100% correct almost if not exactly verbatim. All IMHO.



04/24/11 3:06 PM

#93537 RE: ThePennyGuru #93533

You can say all you want about there being no selling, but the facts disagree with you. Hundreds of millions of share have traded. Probably should just make something up to explain it away as wash trading right? Lol


04/24/11 10:29 PM

#93538 RE: ThePennyGuru #93533

I hope you're not buying based on lip service from JD. The companies proven track record clearly speaks for itself as the stock continues in the dumps between .0001 and .0002. As you can see JD cost many previous longs too much money.

BTW the longs can buy up all they want. The company is operating at a loss. There's no interest except for a few faithful longs and friendlies who hang on to any hints from JD that the company is turning the corner. It's all BS. What happened to the transparency we were suppose to see? Oh wait it's coming any day now. LOL


04/25/11 3:39 AM

#93541 RE: ThePennyGuru #93533

Nobody taking out .0002 a/c waiting on r/s. Can't trust company as you know from past.