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04/22/11 10:32 PM

#230694 RE: kds_1970 #230693

We don't need to ask prior management anything because that is exactly what they are.....prior management.
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04/22/11 10:38 PM

#230695 RE: kds_1970 #230693

"You see my name associated with Dean, Josh, and Joe and automatically you think I am your problem. .." Well birds of a feather and if the shoe fits quickly come to mind - by the way, all the above are on the Grand Jury menu - so you are saying those are the stellar types of individuals you like to hang around with. We need no further introduction Kwan - we got the picture....

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04/22/11 10:40 PM

#230696 RE: kds_1970 #230693

Well, so far all you've done is allude to things that didn't happen and did happen. You haven't provided any information that I can see, except the amount of your fee, loan, and the cost of your wife's ring. For you to say that Dean and Josh weren't a problem, is chasing rainbows. There is no way Dean deserved to pocket 10MM that he said, when it was being raised was for one thing, and now says it went to him for debt that never existed, except in his mind. (because he said so) For Josh to participate in CAR, taking a third and telling us that it was "wholly owned" by QASP, is also a "fact" that doesn't put him on the side of helping the S/H. He also tried to raise the A/S, to completely decimate the common shareholders and allow Joe to convert and sell and then reverse, leaving us with nothing. (and they aren't a problem, according to you)

What exactly Jeff did or didn't do, we don't know right now, but we aren't getting the "truth and the whole truth" from you, any more than we did from Joe. We do know that the A/S hasn't tripled under his CEOship as Dean, Joe, and Josh he is far more trusted at the moment than any who promote such. There is no way that the market will bear an A/S to fund anything here, for any reason, because all involved have proven themselves......and trustworthy is NOT what they have proven. So to say that QASP will make progress using that route is simply not believable, which makes anyone promoting it not believable or worthy of trust.

As far as attacking those who attacked you after your "CC". If you had wanted the truth of that call to be known, you and all involved would have widely disseminated the info about it, and you would have had many witnesses of what happened. As it is, it is only he said, he said......and Dean's side has proven themselves...........
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04/22/11 10:44 PM

#230697 RE: kds_1970 #230693

This board is turning into an ego fest. Somebody call the adults.
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04/22/11 11:20 PM

#230700 RE: kds_1970 #230693

SHORT & nervious...

The Scum Team in full court press...

This is going to be FUN !!!

waiting with popcorn ready


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04/22/11 11:23 PM

#230701 RE: kds_1970 #230693

I clearly have nothing to hide

Then answer the questions that were asked earlier ...

Well when the truth comes out you will find out real quick who the devils are and those you assume to be the problem really are not. I, would like for any of you who have matters of concern to call me

BS, this is the same exact kind of crap being postured here by Joe and we are supposed to believe it based on what? Your or his word on it? We are all fed up with these machinations and self serving interests disguised as being for our benefit. You guys come on here, throw out some vague insinuations and refuse to answer the most simplistic of questions, we could quickly compile a list a mile long of unanswered posts here, they always get ignored.

There hasn't been one single, verifiable thing from any of these guys short of Joe's failed intent to balloon the A\S and R\S, which seems to be right along with your ideals.

This whole thing is beyond fishy, not a word from any of these so called former management types that must not be to assured of their positions after all being that have and continue to do absolutely nothing. But you guys show up here and have the audacity to think we won't question your comments, motives or expect answers in return? Nonsense!

You see my name associated with Dean, Josh, and Joe and automatically you think I am your problem. Well when the truth comes out you will find out real quick who the devils are and those you assume to be the problem really are not. I, would like for any of you who have matters of concern to call me

Well, lets see ... You weren't part of the Centaflix CC yesterday and were part of some other nefarious CC ... so we are drawing a logical conclusion. Who orchestrated the other CC? Why were you on it? What was discussed, spill the beans. No one needs to call you, you can answer these things right here for all to hear.
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decouverte d Elbe

04/23/11 7:51 AM

#230728 RE: kds_1970 #230693

Brrring..hello..yes ..So Joe is paying you 400 a

out of nowhere evolves a new IHUB character...a man too cheap to buy his woman a decent wedding ring..and then pawns the ring for $80

but rather than fight world hunger, he has come to save us all from ourselves
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decouverte d Elbe

04/29/11 10:55 PM

#232312 RE: kds_1970 #230693

So now it is clear why you came into the picture and opened a new IHUB account with your pathetic appeal to shareholders on Joe's behalf. Joe suddenly became afraid to post here, as his day to play another scam on the shareholders got closer, so he hired you as his surrogate. Now you will also be called before the Court, so you better pawn the rest of your wife's costume jewelry, to afford a lawyer. Or you can always use that scam website "truth" to help solicit defense fund contributions. Maybe you can shake the legal fees out of your friend Newby?
Your @ss will hit the frying pan like the rest of the jokers..
Looks like Joe "the scam artist" Canouse had you shaking in your boots. A little blackmail, and there is no honor amongst thieves, is there? The only question is which scheme of Joe's you were involved in, that gave him the goods on you. Turns out, that it has been discovered that you are a pretty toxic guy yourself.