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04/20/11 5:38 PM

#13136 RE: soldier543 #13133

this company will skyrocket tomorrow !!!!


04/20/11 5:44 PM

#13140 RE: soldier543 #13133

I do not think it's scam. It is a dog fight in the courts of the land. The winner gets to be King for a day. ADSV seems legit enough by reading the info pages. I have not doen enough DD to determin the EXEC staff and their history, but will. Google their history , check on clients, call em up and talk to them, and that sort of thing. Mean while it's looks probable that the bad guy is gonna have to pay up something tomarrow. This one is an adrenlin rush .....wooossssssh. By close of business Thursday I'll either have lost a $1k or made a whole bunch and by then figure out where this company plans to go.

This is my read on it, and it's my opinion.

No matter what never lose your smile. LOL